Sunday, February 19, 2012

How do I display info on the report parameters on the face of the report ?

I have several parameters used to constrain which data to select from the database.
Examples of prompts for these parameters ;
"Include accesstype:"
"Include activationdate:"
"Include speed data:"
The user chooses Yes or No to each of these.

On the face on the report I want to put some textboxes to display all the parameters with the prompt (as stated above) and the actual value chosen by the user (Y/N). For clarity, I'm not talking about the report parameter area, but about what you will see on a report print-out.

However, working with a parameter in the expression editor, I can only select members Value, Label, Count and IsMultivalue. I would have expected to be able to select "Prompt", but that is not a member of ReportObjectModel.Parameter.

Anyone have a clue ?

BTW - has anyone been able to display a single checkbox for this kind of paramteres ? (Y/N or True/False. A boolean parameter displays as 2 radiobuttons, labelled True and False)

Thanks !

Parameters!ParameterName.Label should give you the value the user selected.



As I stated in my post, I'm aware of the "Label" member. However I want to access the text I wrote in the report parameter form, in the field labelled "Prompt" (in the opper right part of the form) , not the field labelled "Label" (in the "Available values" part of the form) as you suggest .

Consider that there are in fact 3 elements in play for a parameter displayed with a dropdownlist, namely the text which precedes the dropdownlist (this is the one I want to access), the labels displayed in the dropdown and the corresponding values.

Wally :-)

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