Friday, February 24, 2012

How do I enable 2005's taskpad ?

I created a new SQL 2005 DB with reporting server installed. I can run reports for any DB on this server only. I have some 5 others servers(SQL 2000) connected via Microsoft SQL server management studio. How can I enable the reporting services to report on functions(similar to taskpad on 2000) on these servers too ? The report buttons are grayed out when I expand those servers trees under the mgt studio. I'm a SQL 2K user just learning SQL 2005.

Thanks all

I'm moving this thread to the Tools General forum. Hopefully then can help you out. If not, try the Reporting Services forum.



Whilst managing 2000 servers from management studio there is no equivalent to Taskpad.

If managing a 2005 server you can access reports by viewing the summary page (f7) and selecting a report from the drop down. You don't need reporting services installed to use this feature. The reports available is dependent on the node selected in the object explorer.

|||So are there any options or should we just run the MMC for SQL 2000 to get maintenance data from our SQL 2000 server? What are other people doing for things like disk usage and such?
|||An even better question... since there are no reports in SQL 2005 for a SQL DB running in compatability mode - what are people doing?

I guess I've been waiting on somebody else to do it... maybe it's been done and I haven't found it yet, but...

Most of the queries run by Taskpad work just fine against SQL 2000 or 2005, so creating a custom report that does the same things shouldn't be TOO hard.

among other things, Taskpad runs the following queries:

Code Snippet

exec sp_spaceused


select backup_finish_date from backupset where type = 'D' and database_name = N'YOURDATABASENAME' order by backup_finish_date desc

select backup_finish_date from backupset where type = 'I' and database_name = N'YOURDATABASENAME' order by backup_finish_date desc

select backup_finish_date from backupset where type = 'L' and database_name = N'YOURDATABASENAME' order by backup_finish_date desc

select p.plan_id, p.plan_name from sysdbmaintplans p, sysdbmaintplan_databases d where (d.database_name = 'All Databases' or d.database_name = 'All User Databases' or d.database_name = N'YOURDATABASENAME') and (p.plan_id = d.plan_id)

For the Table Info tab, Enterprise Manager gets a list of tables/indexes using this query:

Code Snippet

select + N'.' + as ObjectName, as IndexName, sysindexes.rows,
case indid when 1 then 1 else 0 end as IsClusteredIndex,
from sysusers, sysobjects, sysindexes
where sysusers.uid = sysobjects.uid
and =
and not like '#%'
and OBJECTPROPERTY(, N'IsMSShipped') <> 1
and OBJECTPROPERTY(, N'IsSystemTable') = 0
order by ObjectName, IsClusteredIndex DESC,
indexproperty(,, N'IsStatistics'), IndexName

and then runs sp_spaceused for each individual table (at least for those shown on each page).

Wish I had more free time to create something... anyone else wanna give it a shot? Smile


We have written a custom report for this for SQL2005

Unfortunately it Management studio only allows custom reports against SQL2005 databases and in 90 compatibility. I have heard that might change in the future.

If you feel strongly about it vote for it here

|||Wow... I thought this was going to slip into the ether. Thanks cborden and SimonS! Major help.

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