Friday, February 24, 2012

how do i do this using Crystal Reports IX?

Hi all,

Please help me with my CR IX problems...I am new to crystal reports.

I have a table that consist of:
[City, Program, Type of Payment, Total # of participants]
[LA, Aerobics, Cash, 100
LA, Aerobics, Credit, 120
LA, Dance, Cash, 50
LA, Dance, Credit, 20]

I wanted to do a report so that it will show the folowing datas:
[City, $Aerobics, $Dance, CR Aerobics, CR Dance, Total]
[LA, # of participants in Aerobics that pay by cash, # of participants in Dance that pay by cash, # of participants in Aerobics that pay by credit card, # of participants in Dance that pay by credit card, Total # of participants in LA]

Thank you very much in advance for your answer and time.
Have a wonderful day!Do a group by 'City' field. Create running total for #of participants and
select 'Use a formula' option. Use the following formula :

if Program="Aerobics" and Type of Payment="Cash" then

This will give you the total # of participants with Cash payment for Aerobics. Similar running totals for Credit card payment etc.

Hope this helps!

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