Does your target report have parameters? For example, you want to go to the target report and run it with the value you selected on the current report?
Or are you saying... If the field value is between a and b, go to report 1, if it's between b and c, go to report 2, otherwise go to report 3.
Can you explain a little more about your situation?
|||the report I am jumping from has no parameters. I want to be able to click on a value and have it jump to another report. That report possibly being jumped too might or might not have parameters.
I just used the following expression and it works to a degree, but it enables all the values in the column for jumping, rather than just the report I want
=iif(Fields!YN_DESC.Value="A","Report 1","Report2")
|||Sorry for the delay...
This will only enable the "A" values to jump to a report (Report 1), any other values will not have the jump to enabled.
=Switch(Fields!YN_Desc.Value = "A", "Report 1")
If you need to add additional conditions... Example, if the value is "C" - Report 31, "D" - Report 7.
=Switch(Fields!YN_Desc.Value = "A", "Report 1",
Fields!YN_Desc.Value = "C", "Report 31",
Fields!YN_Desc.Value = "D", "Report 7")
Hope this helps.
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